Monday, April 22, 2013

More Chain Email

I received a piece of chain email, I suppose you would call it.(Here's another post about another email)
I was going to post it here, but I don't know if all of you readers want to read something so fake and bothersome to me....
So here is the link on Hoax Slayer -
The email I received had only the poem text. No photo or little paragraph at the beginning and end. No advertisements.

As you might be able to guess, I am about to rant about how much I dislike this and why.

There are some little things...
This has inconsistently poor grammar and randomly capitalized words:
"I'll try and be nice,
So maybe ill just get"

Why use correct "I'll" in one line and the incorrect "ill" in the next? 
"To not be affected
By this Poem"

Poem is now a proper noun everyone! Not...

Also, just saying, I think dead children are unable to write poetry. Of course, I believe the writer's intention was to write in persona of an abused child. Still, I wonder how this child could have stayed alive for three years. Perhaps the abuse started very recently? I also wonder whether a three year old child would really process everything that happens the way the poem presents it.

Oh, but these are just minor complaints. I actually have several more minor complaints I don't think you care to read about.

 The real big thing I dislike would have to be the message at the end:
"My name is Chris I am three,
Tonight my daddy Murdered me
And you can help
Sickens me to the soul,
And if you read this and don't pass it on
I pray for your forgivness
Because you would have to be
One heartless person
To not be affected
By this Poem
And because U R affected,
Do something about it!
So all i ask you to do
Is pass this on!
REPOST THIS AS "Daddy it Hurts"

Besides raising the question of whether dead people can be sickened to the soul and whether they can pray, this portion is full of unclear phrases that might give you a good feeling and mostly bad assumptions.

First of all, how does forwarding a poorly written poem (I say poorly written because of the grammar issues) help? And what does it help? I mean, if "you" are already "dead," I doubt a poem in an email will bring you back to life. Furthermore, why would you want your life back? It sounds like it sucks, but that my opinion. Or maybe "help" means "help end child abuse." Unfortunately, ending child abuse is not as easy as a bunch of people sending emails. Yes, chances are that someone who has abused a child before could possibly receive this email, tear up, and change his/her ways forever. However, if you are against child abuse, I would think all your contacts are against child abuse. What good does it do when you send this around? Will you and your buddies have a little feel good glow in your head as you circulate this email among yourselves? These are just guesses.... I have never tried circulating chain/hoax emails.

Second, I am affected by this poem. My reaction is in this post. I did something because I was affected. I wrote this post! For your information, I did not pass this on. Since I was affected by some emotions described as disgust, annoyance, and confusion, I am not heartless according to whomever wrote this poem! Hooray! I stranger says I am not heartless! (<---Sarcasm) Huh...

With all that said, yes, I am against child abuse! However, forwarding an email will most likely not make a difference. Yeah, yeah, it's possible. It's also possible that you will eat sushi tomorrow and have hallucinations that show you what is happening in Swaziland. It's also possible you will trip over a rock and suddenly know how to explain dark matter and black holes and anti matter and time.

My point is if you want to help end child abuse, you need to do more than just sit at your computer and email people. Join some organization! Help people who have had traumatic experiences! Be nice! Something! 

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